Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Trash Talk

Some online poker players feel the need to complain when they lose a pot. They actually think that complaining will make them feel superior about what just happened. Complaining is simply bad karma. Since it cannot help your strategy to engage in complaining, then you have to start asking yourself why you are doing it.

The players that complain online are losers. Mentally and financially. If you want to become a positive ROI player online, this is one of those practices you need to eradicate immediately. This doesn't mean talking about dissing yourself, to yourself. I am referring to using the chat box to criticize or insult your opponents' decisions.

Very often your opinion is not always perfect, and your opponent's play was at least a justifiable choice. Even if it wasn't, what would be the benefit to having them uncover something about their lack of comprehension of the game? The players that you may feel the need to lash out at, are the same players that make the game profitable for skilled players such as yoruself, so let them be a donkey and reap the rewards long term!

Complaining might also aggrivate other players who will join in and before you know it you have an argumentative game. You could end up with several players "ganging up" on you and that is likely to put you off your A game, and even if it doesn't affect you it certainly can't help.

So, starting from today no more trash talk. It's simple to do, just stop typing anything bad in the chat box. In fact, after a little practice the only thing you'll ever need to say is "nice play" while smiling to yourself that you'll end up with this donkey's money soon enough!

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